Support us

Your support is vital and helps Cultural Expressions share its vision with the world.

The CEAG relies on support from a wide range of sources and there are many ways that you can donate to help care for and preserve programs for current and future generations.


You can donate as an individual, or through a foundation, trust or company. Your support helps us to do the following:

  • Create world-class Events, Exhibitions and gallery displays
  • Educate and uplift the community using historical and modern achievements of Black Canadians
  • Celebrate diversity, racial, cultural, ethnic, gender, amongst all members of society
  • Encourage access to local, Canadian and world Black History and share our History though a collection of the arts
  • Engage local and global communities with what we do to spark meaningful and intelligent dialogue that encourages more inclusive and diverse community relations

For more information about supporting Cultural Expressions


Phone: + 1 012 345 678

or Contact Us